The combination of director-producer duo has been fantastic again. After the famous Munnabhai films, Rajkumar Hirani and Vidhu Vinod Chopra jodi is back in 3 Idiots. Don't forget Aamir Khan, who showed again his class of acting and getting into the character. Maddy also looked too good as a normal student struggling to pass the exams. Sharman Joshi, in yet another movie inspired by a novel by Chetan Bhagat.
Ok I dont want to fall into their controversy, So I am talking just about the movie.
Kareena kampoor plays the role of and doctor cum daughter of the director of the college. The romance in the movie is so cool. The mixup of comedy,emotion and romance is so well mixed up that it keeps the movie altogether on the very next level.
Well, talking about getting the movie tickets, it was tough in the first two weeks . In multiplexes, the tickets were expensive.
Ok I dont want to fall into their controversy, So I am talking just about the movie.
Kareena kampoor plays the role of and doctor cum daughter of the director of the college. The romance in the movie is so cool. The mixup of comedy,emotion and romance is so well mixed up that it keeps the movie altogether on the very next level.
Well, talking about getting the movie tickets, it was tough in the first two weeks . In multiplexes, the tickets were expensive.
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